Mean Girls – Part 1
It started in third grade. Her two "BFFs" from the neighborhood (sisters) demanded that she give back the necklace proclaiming their friendship because they didn't all end up in the same class together. She was devastated, so hurt that the friendship she thought was...
Review: My Life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud’homme
From the Back Cover: Julia Child singlehandedly awakened America to the pleasures of good cooking with her cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking and her television show The French Chef, but as she reveals in this bestselling memoir, she didn't know the first...
Creativity Experiment 2018: how it went & what we learned
I can’t believe it’s done, but summer officially is over. Yesterday, the busses came and all three of my backpack-laden creative people got on and left. For the first time, I wasn’t ready. Oh, I had all the school supplies collected and labeled, but I still had more...
Summer, Kids & Creativity: A Journey
Each of them, whether they see it yet or not, is created to create. Numbers, paper, pencil, marker, paint, doodles, words, sentences, ingredients, balsa wood, Legos… we cannot help it. Our Creator is worshiped when we reflect Him. I want them to see this.
In the Raw: Finding Normal
Remembering what life was like last year about this time... so thankful there are no boxes this year and rhythms and routines have found their grooves. Since life always brings change, I think "Rhythm Finder" sounds good on my resume, don't you?! If you've ever moved...
The Enneagram and Me
(This is your weekly Theological Thursday post but - on a FRIDAY!) What is the Enneagram?? It's one of a vast number of personality systems and ways of seeing ourselves. Ann Bogel has a great book called Reading People with a chapter on the biggest of the tests and...