Hidden Baggage

Contemporary Fiction

Rae Freesinga, a single mother, finds refuge from her abusive past in Porchtown, Michigan. As she slowly builds a new life for herself and her children, Ollie and Nina, she comes to love the stubborn, quirky town. 

When her past comes to haunt her, she takes control of her life by helping to remodel The McCloskey House, a historic home. Juggling classes for interior architecture compliments of her new job at Bates Hardware is just another thing on her plate as she makes a fresh start. Verllie-Jean, the woman who watches her children, becomes a trusted friend. 

Yet dealing with her own baggage is not nearly as appealing as uncovering the long buried history of the town. But she must find the strength to face it or she will lose more than she ever imagined.

Ruth Verkaik


 Well, hey! You made it this far down the page. Clearly you know who I am and what I do, but you might not know *who* I am. Here’s a few tidbits: 

– There are 63 of my former second grade students wandering this earth–some of whom graciously stay in touch.

– I used to read Motor Trend so I could understand why my engineer hubby was annoyed with BMW’s tail light design.

– Motherhood used to be an arena where perfection killed me. Now I’m learning: “There’s grace for that too.” 

Yes, I really do believe that “Everything is theological—even snarky stories”. Story is powerful. As well as what you believe. Combining the two? Life-changing! 

I’ve been published in The Banner, the Reformed Journal Blog, and anthologies. I’m a member of ACFW, as well as a board member of the Great Lakes Chapter. 

where to find my work



Her Identity

Published by The Reformed Journal Blog

February 2022



Catechism Kaleidoscope

Published by The Banner

May 2022


Carry the Cross: A Lenten Journey

Edited by Ruth Verkaik

December 2022


where to find my thoughts

my blog

The Already But Not Yet

The Already But Not Yet

Between the unshakeable certainty that one day every broken thing will be made new and the overwhelming hurt and pain of this life. Immanuel.

Need a speaker?

I’m passionate about many things. I’d love to come and hang out with your group! 

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Have a question or thought? I’d love to hear it!