Review: A Place To Land by Kate Motaung
Who should read this book? You. If you’ve lived through any amount of life, you will get this. You need to know the hope in the midst of the pain.
February is InCoWriMo!!
Evidently this has been going on since 2015 and I've had no idea there even was such a thing! You didn't either?? Good. I don't feel quite so late to the party. What is it? It stands for: International Correspondance Writing Month - much like NaNoWriMo (National Novel...
ArtPrize: 7 Reasons You Need to Go
On a blustery and snowy 20 degree (and dropping) January day, it's a perfect time to remember the warmth and beauty of September! Since 2009 each September-October, Grand Rapids breaks out in a colorful fever of sculpture, paintings and art! It's everywhere: stores,...
Review: A Song of Home by Susie Finkbeiner
As with every reviewer, you need to know something about their tastes. A food critic who prefers Italian food will put Asian food at a distinct disadvantage simply by their tastes. Also a food critic who happens to be a pastry chef will have even more to say about a...
In the Raw: Mammograms & Callbacks
She said, "The doctor saw a questionable spot on your mammogram yesterday and wants to see you again. Can you come in today?" Her words made my heart stop and my thoughts fly. Why did they want to see me so soon?? I have no pain! Are they just being overly cautious??...
Theological Thursdays: Everything is Theological
I'm sure you've noticed that phrase on this blog and definitely if you follow me and my hashtags on Facebook. It's a crucial piece of how I think and what I write about so rather than assuming you understand... here's how "Everything is Theological" changed my life. I...