I'm so glad you're here!!

Passionate follower of Jesus

I’m a hot mess, but I’d be a far bigger hot mess without Jesus. Studying his Word continues to show me just how deeply I’m loved and how little I know. 

Reader & Librarian

I love to read widely. Inevitably, I will recommend a book to you. If I do, it’s because the story spoke to me through the author’s excellent use of story and craft and it’s still speaking to me.  

Thinker & Writer

Being a writer means words are always scrolling through my head. Literally. My favorite quote is by Franz Kafka: “A non writing writer is a monster courting insanity.” 

Wife & Mom

Being an engineer’s wife has meant reading Motor Trend so I could understand why he was so upset by BMW’s taillight design. But 21 years in, I’m deeply thankful for how Yahweh continues to weave us together. Being the mom of 20, 18, and 16 year olds means I won’t share a whole lot about them. I’m learning how little I know about parenting as they are learning how much they don’t know about life. ‘nuf said 🙂