The Already But Not Yet That’s where we live. Between the unshakeable certainty that one day every broken thing will be made new and the overwhelming hurt and pain of this life. Immanuel. The already but not yet. God with us.The infinite one clothed in human flesh....
I don’t know where you land on the Enneagram. (Here’s a great book for beginners. Also, here’s a quiz.) I’m solidly a 6 with a 5 wing. In a nutshell, it means I have a bajillion worst case scenarios in my head at any moment. Seriously. They...
Every year, it happens. I get the school calendar, Wednesday night church activities dates, tennis practices and matches, band rehearsals and parades – to say nothing of my own schedules and activities. I hear the gloriously open boxes on the calendar start to...
I’m stuck in a badly written dystopian novel. What else do you call conversations about vaccines, their potency, forced quarantines and how the health department wants me to get a vaccine simply so they have a paper trail? I was ranting to my hubby. “If I...
I never expected Woodland Mall to feel like coming home. We walked in a bit early for our appointment with the Apple Store – because you can’t just walk in the store anymore, thank you Covid. Others with my particular skin tone were just one of many shades...