Theological Thursdays – Coronacation

Theological Thursdays – Coronacation

It’s Day Whatever over here at the Nerd Factory. Somewhere in my planner world, it’s supposed to be what’s usually known as “spring break” but that is not the case this year. Recently, I’ve read of friends who are so excited for the...
Wednesday Wars, Shakespeare and You

Wednesday Wars, Shakespeare and You

It was my middle son who told me that I HAD to read The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt. His older sister, rather than her usual contrarianism, actually joined him in his attempt to convince me. That’s how I knew it must be really good. But I confess, it took...
In the Raw: Continuing the Fight

In the Raw: Continuing the Fight

Their white-gloved hands reverently took the corners and lifted Old Glory. They brought them together to form a long red, white and blue piece of fabric. I have seen flags folded many times. I have even done it myself. My daughter’s Honor Scout troop folds them...