by Ruth Verkaik | Jul 4, 2019 | Theology, Thinking
Their white-gloved hands reverently took the corners and lifted Old Glory. They brought them together to form a long red, white and blue piece of fabric. I have seen flags folded many times. I have even done it myself. My daughter’s Honor Scout troop folds them...
by Ruth Verkaik | May 27, 2019 | Thinking, Writing
Today I hit a wall. Okay, it’s a wall I’ve seen coming for awhile and I’ve been deep in denial, but still the wall came and we met. It was not pleasant. The wall did not shake hands. He was not welcoming. He had a large beatdown stick and was very...
by Ruth Verkaik | Mar 14, 2019 | Books, Words, Writing
We moved in the spring of 2017. My dear beloved books (pictured below from the “Library Shelves” of our old house) had been sitting all alone – except for visits from rummaging children. Until January 2019. All of these lovelies were packed away in...
by Ruth Verkaik | Nov 17, 2018 | Theology, Thinking
She sits in a rolling recliner with her eyes half closed. Four years ago, she used to sit in a chair outside the children’s ministry bathrooms making sure those little boys washed their hands. I walk up to her and smile. She smiles tentatively, obvious that...
by Ruth Verkaik | Sep 27, 2018 | Theology, Thinking
Welcome back for the final post of our Mean Girls series! Here’s the first installment if you’d like to catch up. This post will focus on some practical ways to navigate the mean girls in our lives as well as some questions to ask ourselves to make sure...