by Ruth Verkaik | Sep 20, 2018 | Theology, Thinking
It started in third grade. Her two “BFFs” from the neighborhood (sisters) demanded that she give back the necklace proclaiming their friendship because they didn’t all end up in the same class together. She was devastated, so hurt that the friendship...
by Ruth Verkaik | May 30, 2018 | Thinking, Writing
Remembering what life was like last year about this time… so thankful there are no boxes this year and rhythms and routines have found their grooves. Since life always bringsĀ change, I think “Rhythm Finder” sounds good on my resume, don’t you?!...
by Ruth Verkaik | Oct 4, 2017 | Theology, Thinking
She said, “The doctor saw a questionable spot on your mammogram yesterday and wants to see you again. Can you come in today?” Her words made my heart stop and my thoughts fly. Why did they want to see me so soon?? I have no pain! Are they just being overly...
by Ruth Verkaik | Nov 15, 2015 | Theology
I’m folding laundry this time. I seem to do the best thinking when my hands are busy doing mundane things. My arms reaching out to pick up a towel. Familiar motions and soon it is folded. Another towel and anther. My body working in harmony. Out of the corner of...
by Ruth Verkaik | Mar 15, 2015 | Theology
My mom has said it often: Ironing is a great way to get warm in the winter and a time to think. Though I like being warm and thinking, I still choose to iron as little as possible. I find as many ways/shortcuts to avoid ironing as I can. But, there are those moments...